Achieving the Maximum Potential of Small University Collections: a Model in Digitization, Education, & Outreach

20 August 2015
3:00-4:00 p.m. EDT
Virtual meeting place:
Achieving the Maximum Potential of Small University Collections: a Model in Digitization, Education, & Outreach
Marcia A. Revelez, Collections Manager, Angelo State Natural History Collections, Department of Biology, Angelo State University, San Angelo,TX 76909,
Small university collections are a crucial resource, as they store the detailed knowledge of the flora or fauna of a particular region. Digitization of small collections is a necessary step in increasing their value.  Continued sustainability is often based on the successful recruitment and engagement of students.  Developing a program to enlist and retain students can ensure the future of your collections while creating an environment well-suited to foster a new generation well-trained serve as advocates to endorse the value of natural history collections.  The focus of this presentation will be in two parts:  1) to present an overview and workflow of digitization in small mammal collections, and 2) to present different activities that can can serve as an attractant and maximize the breadth of training opportunities in collections stewardship.